Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Today was a Stay Day in Saint Augustine but it was so cold
that we had to go to the boater’s lounge in the morning. While we have plenty of cover for sleeping,
it was just too cold to sit around and read.
We returned at lunch which warmed us up.
Keep in mind that each trip to or from Dubhe has to be made in our small
dingy…a cold operation by itself. Took a
long walk around town in the afternoon.
The day before we met new friends, Michael and Suzie Baker on Imajine.
Michael and Suzie invited us over to Imajine
for evening. We seem to have a lot in
common, and they live in Saint Mary’s, Georgia, so I am sure we will see much
more of them. When we left Imajine , of course it was dark and cold for our dingy ride. As were leaving, we saw another couple in a
dingy who could not get their engine started.
We had to offer them a tow to their boat, that’s just the way cruisers
are, but I was hoping they would decline.
They took us up on it so we had a much longer nighttime dingy ride than
expected. Fortunately, they were near
the “front” so it was not too bad.
Cold walk in Saint Augustine |
Our Boat - actually Dubhe is the first little speck behind the monster |
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
One week since we left Beaufort, but it seems like a month;
so much has happened. Another cold
morning but getting away is easy when on a mooring; just let go and drive
away. We left about 7:00 just as it was
getting light. We had decided to run
with Imajine today, and anchor
together tonight because we wanted to spend more time with them. There are not many boats slower than Dubhe but Imajine is one of them. They
ran aground near Matanzas Inlet but were able to work their way off within a
few minutes. Although we ran a little
slower, we were able to make our planned destination; Daytona Beach at
4:30. We had a little trouble finding an
anchorage that suited us, but another boat Santorini
very kindly directed us into a perfect anchorage where they were. Michael and Suzie were invited over to Dubhe for drinks which they accepted and
we all had a fine evening.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
I rose at 6:00 to the sound of someone talking outside of Dubhe. Since we were anchored and it was
black dark, this required an investigation.
Turns out that there were rowers in various sizes of shells getting
getting in some practice early. We left Imajine at the anchorage, departing at
6:50. At least it is a little warmer
today. We just made the 9:00 opening of
the George Musson Bridge at New Smyrna Beach then
stopped for fuel at New
Smyrna Marina. This was a very long day;
67 miles to Cocoa. Most of the day, the
wind was calm and the water like glass.
We anchored just northeast of the Merritt Island Bridge which provides
excellent protection for the anticipated increasing southeast wind tonight, and
has a great bottom for holding. A storm
with rain and high wind is predicted for tomorrow and Saturday. (as it turns out, this is the same storm that
brought snow to SC and the northeast).
Passed by a sailboat - Kanga |
Kennedy Space Center VAB |
Anchored after a long day - in Cocoa |
Friday, January 22, 2016.
During the night, the wind picked up some (SE 10-15) and
although we had a great anchorage, I did not sleep well. I don’t know why; I have slept very well in
much worse conditions. Had to get up one
time to tie off a slapping halyard. We
left at 7:45 for Melbourne; overcast with wind about 15 kts on the nose and
rain showers off and on. Arrived at Eau
Gallie Yacht Basin (Melbourne) about 10:30 after covering only 17 miles. Once we entered the Eau Gallie River, it was
like a mill pond; very protected as is the marina. But the marina has a lot of boats in a small
area and I had to back Dubhe into a small slip, which I did without a problem.
I was quite proud of it actually, and there were a lot of other boaters around
to watch. Just as we were tying up, a
squall line came through with very high wind gusts and rain. I wish my timing could be that good all the
time. I like this marina but Nancy is
not impressed with the showers and general facilities! After the rain, we took a short walk into Eau
Gallie which is a very nice little town.
Dubhe at Eau Gallie |
Saturday, January 23, 2016.
Wind is predicted to be west up to 30 mph today so we have
stayed put. It is nice to have a rest
day and as any typical Saturday we had pancakes and bacon for breakfast and
lounged around drinking coffee and surfing on the internet. I did manage to accomplish one of my
goals. I was able to configure and setup
my wifi extender “Ubiquity Bullet” and wireless router. This enables us to connect to wifi that is
too distance for normal devices to connect to, as is the case in most marinas. And because my router connects to the
internet through the bullet, I can then network all of our devices to it rather
than connect them individually. We have two computers, to iPads, and two
iPhones on board. I love cruising, but I
need to have access to the internet at least every two or three days. Although it was quite cool and windy (as
predicted), we walked into Eau Gallie, stopping at the hardware store for a few
items, then walking along the water, ending up at “Squid Lips” for lunch. After lunch, back to Dubhe for a nap…the
cruising life. Saturday afternoon was
occupied with minor maintenance and cleanup.
I could not find an extension cord just like I wanted for my new wifi
setup, so I made one up to suit me. Our
friends Debbie and Frank Gillig who we met cruising last year are making a road
trip through Florida called and said they would come by for a visit which
delighted us. They arrived shortly after
5:00, just in time for drinks, then we took a ride over the Eau Gallie bridge
for a little scenery and dinner at a great Italian restaurant, Brano’s in (or
near) Satellite Beach (which is now part of Melbourne too.) It was Franks birthday so we celebrated about
as much as we could and back to Dubhe for a while before they had to leaf. Tomorrow we head to Fort Pierce.
Eau Gallie Yacht Basin |
Meeting People is the best part of cruising. |
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